Blog posts tagged with “Mixer RCF L-Pad”

Mixer Audio RCF L-Pad

Melanjutkan peluncuran perdana dari Mixer Audio RCF L-Pad pada tahun lalu, RCF kembali menambahkan dua model konsol pencampuran kedalam lini tersebut dengan lahirnya model L-Pad 16CX USB dan L-Pad 24CX USB. Dengan hadirnya mixer yg baru ini, RCF mengambil langkah pendekatan yg berbeda didalam segmen pasar mixer analog format kecil dengan desain dan set fitur …

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Audio Mixer RCF L-PAD Series

After a long history in traditional loudspeaker roots, RCF Italy break the boundary with their new analog audio mixing console Audio Mixer RCF L-PAD Series range with high performance this month at Frankfurt’s annual Prolight+Sound exhibition. RCF has been experienced in producing components like compression drivers and woofer components since 1949 and their own sound reinforcement …

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