Blog posts tagged with “Next”

Speaker Line Array Electro Voice X-Line

We are so excited when heard about Electro Voice begin to announce the first preview of the next generation of its X-Line line array sound reinforcement system family at InfoComm event this year. These new models mark a step forward in Electro Voice 85 year tradition of sound system innovation, offering a new range of …

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Paket Sound System Line Array Nexo Geo M6

After acquisition of France based pro audio products manufacturer Nexo,Japan profesional audio factory Yamaha is making debut of the new NEXO GEO M6 Series from compact loudspeakers family at InfoComm 2014 next week ,located at the Las Vegas Convention Center, booth number CC10716. Nexo GEO M6 Loudspeaker Series is consist of the new GEO M620 …

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Sistem Line Array 3 Way Next Pro Audio LA212X

October 17, 2013 No comment

Pabrkan sound system professional Next Pro Audio asal Portugal telah memperkenalkan speaker line array terbaru milik mereka yaitu LA212X , hadir dengan desain 3 way horn loaded , elemen line array aksial simetris yang menyediakan pola cakupan dispersi suara konstan 90 derajat horisontal . Menghasilkan sebaran suara yang simetris dan hampir identik secara akustik baik …

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Sistem Mic Conference AKG CS3

February 08, 2013 No comment

Menggaris bawahi reputasi dalam hal kualitas dan kehandalan dalam semua aspek kinerja sound system, AKG kini memperkenalkan conference sistem CS3 yang modern, elegan, sistem modular yang menawarkan berbagai macam pilihan mikrofon gooseneck yang berbeda dan dapat diperluas hingga 120 unit. Dengan adanya permintaan untuk solusi sistem yang lebih sederhana dari AKG CS5 high end itu, …

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Loudspeaker Introduction

August 19, 2012 No comment

Loudpseaker System Loudspeaker comes with different diameters and system variations, like 12 inches 2 way systems, dual  15 inches 3 or 4 way system, but for professional audio standard it must be 10 inches 2 way minimum standard to use as a stage monitor ( 12 or 15 inches is more recommended ). As the …

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